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TM   9-2520-272-34&P 4-7.   REMOVE   RIGHT   END   COVER   ASSEMBLY (SHEET  7  OF  7) Remove   Reverse   Equalizer   Valve   Components 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WARNING Spring-loaded   parts   can   fly   and   injure   you. Always   follow   specified   instructions when   removing   bolts   from   covers   that   are   attached   to   valve   assemblies. NOTE Scavenge   tube   and   oil   transfer   tube,   extending   into   the   bevel   gear   assembly, cannot   be   removed   until   equalizer   valve   housing   (19)   has   been   removed. Use   one   hand   to   hold   spring-loaded   equalizer   valve housing  (19)  down  when  housing  is  being  removed. Using   socket   in   other   hand,   remove   two   bolts   (20)   and washers   (21)   holding   equalizer   valve   housing   (19)   to transmission.   Carefully   release   housing,   easing   spring pressure   before   lifting   housing   completely   off.   Remove    housing. Remove   spring   (22). Remove   reverse   equalizer   valve   (23). Remove   reverse   equalizer   piston   assembly   (24)   with seal  ring  (25). Remove   seal   ring   (25). NOTE Oil   transfer   tube   (27)   may   remain   in transmission   (bevel   gear   assembly),   or   it may   come   out   attached   to   under   side   of diaphragm. Remove   equalizer   valve   diaphragm   (26). Remove   equalizer   valve   oil   transfer   tube   (27)   with   two packings   (28). Remove   packings   (28). Remove   scavenge   tube   assembly   (29). FOLLOW-ON    PROCEDURE:   Install   right   end   tubes   and loose    components. Refer   to   paragraph   4-16. End  of  Task  2 4-26 Para.   4-7,   Task   2


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