Increase the control air to the high idle air
pressure [for example 407 kPa (59 psi)] for the engine
high idle speed setting (for example, 1980 rpm).
If the speed is too high, lower the air to the low
idle air pressure setting [76 kPa (11 psi)].
Start the engine and let it run at the low idle
speed setting as given in the Fuel Setting and Related
Information Fiche (for example, 600 rpm).
Loosen the two bolts that hold the bellows clamp
down. With a 3/4 inch wrench, rotate the bellows in a
Turn the air pressure regulator and slowly
counterclockwise direction (as seen from governor
increase and then decrease control air pressure. Engine
nameplate). Again adjust the low idle speed setting back
speed must increase and decrease smoothly and return
to 600 rpm at low air pressure [76 kPa (I psi)], turn the
to the original speed setting (600 rpm).
speed level adjusting screw clockwise.
Return the control air pressure with the regulator
If the speed is too low, lower the air to the low
and gauge assembly to 0 kPa (O psi).
idle air pressure [76 kPa (11 psi)].
The governor is shown off engine for
Loosen the two bolts that hold the bellows clamp
photographic purposes. The pneumatic speed setting
down. With the 3/4 inch wrench, turn the bellows in a
control adjustments must be made with the governor on
clockwise direction (as seen from governor nameplate)
the engine, and with the engine running.
and again adjust the low idle speed setting back to the
600 rpm at low air pressure [76 kPa ( 11 psi)].
Adjust the pressure regulator and apply the
required low idle air pressure to the speed setting
Again, increase the control air to the pressure
bellows [for example 76 kPa (11 psi)].
required for the high idle speed. If the speed range is
still incorrect, repeat the above steps until the correct low
idle speed and high idle speed setting is reached for
each required air pressure. Make sure to tighten the
bellows clamp bolts after the speed setting is correctly
Check the pneumatic speed setting control for
external leaks. Remove the air pressure regulator and
pressure gauge assembly from the control air supply
Turn the speed level adjusting screw with a 1/8
inch hex wrench and bring the engine speed to the
desired low idle speed setting (for example, 600 rpm).