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If the cooling system cannot remove the necessary heat
9. Air Cleaner Differential Pressure
from the water, the engine oil cannot be properly cooled.
Indicates the difference of air pressure
Above normal oil temperature indicates a heat problem
between the inlet side (dirty side) and
has occurred in the lubrication and/or cooling system. A
the engine side (clean side) of the air
problem can occur with cylinder heads, liners, pistons or
filter element. As the element becomes plugged, the
bearings. Maximum oil temperature is 110C (2300F).
difference in pressure between the two sides of the
element will increase. Maximum air cleaner pressure
differential is 762 mm (30 in.) H20.
10. Fuel Filter Differential Pressure - Indicates
the difference of fuel pressure between the inlet side and
the outlet side of the fuel filter elements. As the element
becomes plugged, the difference in pressure between
the two sides of the element will increase. Maximum fuel
filter differential pressure is 105 kPa (15 psi).
7. Oil Filter Differential Pressure - Indicates the
difference of oil pressure between the inlet side (dirty
side) and the outlet side (clean side) of the oil filter. As
the element becomes plugged, the difference in pressure
between the two sides of the element will increase. Oil
filter maximum pressure differential is 105 kPa (15 psi).
8. Fuel Pressure Indicates pressure of
the filtered fuel. The fuel pressure range
is 345 to 520 kPa (50 to 75 psi).