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Engine Valve Lash
Cooling System
Measure Valve Lash (Clearance)
Change Coolant
To prevent possible injury when rotating the
At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot and
flywheel, do not use the starter motor to turn the
under pressure.
Check coolant level only when engine is stopped
and filler cap is cool enough to touch with your
Remove filler cap slowly to relieve pressure.
Steam can cause personal injury.
With the engine stopped and cold, measure the valve
Cooling System Conditioner contains alkali. Avoid
clearance. Always turn the flywheel in the direction of
contact with skin and eyes to prevent personal
normal rotation.
Use all cleaning solutions with care.
Valve Clearance Check
When the valve clearance is checked, adjustment is not
necessary if the measurement is in the range given in
the Valve Clearance Check chart.
Valve Clearance Check
All water is corrosive at engine operating temperature.
Intake .................... 0.32 to 0.48 mm (.013 to .019 in.)
Use Caterpillar Cooling System Conditioner to treat
Exhaust ................. 0.68 to 0.84 mm (.027 to .033 in.)
either approved plain water or ethylene glycol solution.
Valve Clearance Setting
Do not use Caterpillar Cooling System Conditioner or
Coolant Conditioner Elements with Dowtherm 209 Full-
If the measurement is outside of the range given for
Fill coolant.  Follow recommendations provided with
valve clearance check, adjustment is necessary. Set
Dowtherm 209 Full-Fill coolant.
the clearance to the nominal clearance given in the
"Valve Clearance Setting" chart. Refer to the Service
If the engine is to be shipped to, or stored in, an area
Manual or  your  Caterpillar  dealer  for  the  valve
with temperatures below 0 C (32 F), the cooling system
adjustment procedures.
must be protected to the lowest expected ambient
Valve Clearance Setting
Clean the cooling system if there is a scale buildup, oil in
Intake ............... 0.40 mm (.016 in.)
the coolant, if the coolant is muddy,
if engine
Exhaust ............ 0.76 mm (.030 in.)
overheating or foaming is observed. Refer to "Clean
the Cooling System."


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