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TM 5-3895-360-13 Table  4-2.  Unit  Troubleshooting  (Con't). PROBLEM Engine  misses  (Con’t). 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Engine  overheats. Engine Is noisy or knocking. Engine continues to run after shorting  switch  is  pushed. Engine has poor high speed performance. Engine  has  poor  acceleration. PROBABLE CAUSE c. Carburetor is out of adjustment. d. Fuel filter is dirty or clogged. e. Ignition is faulty. a. Spark plug used is incorrect. b.  Carburetor  adjustment  is  too lean. a.  Spark  plug  used  has  incorrect heat range. b. Fan housing is bent. c.  Flywheel  is  loose. a. Spark plug is dirty or spark plug used is incorrect. b.  Carburetor  adjustment  is  too lean. Carburetor is out of adjustment. a. b. c. d. Carburetor is out of adjustment. Exhaust is restricted. Breaker points are out of adjust- ment. Reed valve is chipped or broken. TEST   PROCEDURE/REMEDY c. d. e. a. b. a. b. co a. b. Adjust carburetor (see paragraph 7-2). Remove  fuel  filter  (see  paragraph 7-6) and clean or replace as nec- essary. Check  ignition  wiring  and  coil and replace as necessary (see paragraph  9-2). Replace spark plugs (see para- graph 9-3). Adjust carburetor (see paragraph 7-2). Replace spark plug (see para- graph 9-3). Replace fan housing (see para- graph 9-2). Tighten flywheel nut (see para- graph 9-2). Replace spark plug (see para- graph 9-3). Adjust carburetor (see paragraph 7-2). Adjust carburetor (see paragraph 7-2). a. b. c. d. Adjust carburetor (see paragraph 7-2). Replace muffler (see paragraph 8-2) . Adjust  breaker  points  (see  para- graph 9-2). Replace reed valve (see para- graph 6-4). 4-10


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