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TM   5-3895-360-13 5-8.  APPLICATION  OF  ADHESIVES  (Con’t). b. Loctite  Adhesive. Loctite (Item 2, Appendix E) pro- vides a seal against leakage and resistance to loos- 5-4 ening  when  used  in  the-assembly   of   threaded, slip-fitted, or press-fitted parts. Always use grade of Loctite specified and never use when other retaining means are provided, such as Iockwires, lockwash- ers, Iockplates, and fasteners. Do not use Loctite on brass  fittings,  plugs,  or  items  that  need  frequent servicing, or when operating temperatures exceed 300°F (149°C). Apply Loctite as follows: (1) Before application, clean threads to remove oil, grease, and metal chips. (2)  Apply  Loctite  to  second  and  third  threads,  Do not apply to first thread to ensure system clean- liness. (3) Loctite will dry in 6-24 hours at room tempera- ture. (4) Adjustments for elbows, gages, and valves can be made up to 24 hours after application with- out affecting the seal. 5-9.   FLUID   DISPOSAL. Dispose of contaminated drained fluids in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of your unit.


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