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TM  9-2520-272-34&P   3 - 2     C L E A N I NG WARNING Dry   cleaning   solvent   P-D-680   is   toxic   and   flammable.   To   avoid   injury,   wear protective   goggles   and   gloves   and   use   in   a   well-ventilated   area.   Avoid   contact with   skin,   eyes,   and   clothes   and   do   not   breathe   vapors   Do   not   use   near   open fire   or   excessive   heat.   The   flash   point   for   Type   I   dry   cleaning   solvent   is   100°F (38°C),   and   for   Type   II   is   138°F   (50°C).   If   you   become   dizzy   while   using   dry cleaning   solvent,   get   fresh   air   immediately   and   get   medical   aid.   If   contact with   eyes   is   made,   wash   your   eyes   with   water   and   get   medical   aid   immediately. Compressed   air   used   for   cleaning   purposes   must   not   exceed   30   pounds   of pressure   per   square   inch   Use   only   with   effective   chip   guards   and   protective personal   equipment   including   goggles   or   face   shield   and   gloves.   Never   blow compressed   air   toward   another   person Hot  equipment,  hot  parts,  and  steam  can  burn  you.  To  avoid  injury,  use  with effective   personal   protective   equipment   (goggles,   face   shieId   gloves,   etc.). Always   wear   leather   gloves   when   working   with   steam   equipment   to   protect you   from   parts   that   are   or   might   be   hot.    Never   point   a   steam   hose   toward another   person. Tribasic   sodium   phosphate   can   burn   eyes   and   cause   skin   irritation.   Do   not   get in   eyes,   on   skin   or   on   clothing.    Avoid   breathing   dust.   Keep   container   closed. Use   with   adequate   ventilation.   Wash   thoroughly   after   handling.   In   case   of contact,   immediately   flush   eyes   with   plenty   of   water   for   at   least   15   minute. Call   a   physician.    Flush  skin  with  water.  Wash  clothing  before  reuse. CAUTION Rags   used   for   cleaning   external   surfaces   of   the   transmission   must   not   be   used on   internal   parts   and   surfaces.    Ordinary   wiping   rags   leave   lint   deposits.   Lint or   dirt   in   a   transmission   can   cause   the   transmission   to   malfunction.   Only clean,   lint-free   cloths   can   be   used   on   internal   parts   and   surfaces. A   transmission   should   not   be   steam   cleaned   unless   all   ports   are   plugged.   Water can   be   introduced   into   the   transmission   through   steam   cleaning.   Water   should never   be   permitted   to   enter   the   transmission,   even   when   the   transmission   is   to be   disassembled.   Moisture   within   the   transmission   can   cause   it   to   fail. 3-2 Para.   3-2


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