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ARMY   TM   9-2805-262-14 AIR  FORCE  TO  38G2-90-1 NAVY  NAVFAC  P-8-613-14E 5-21.  Drain   Tube. This  task  covers: Replacement INITIAL  SETUP Tools Equipment   Condition General  Mechanic’s  Tool  Kit  (Item  1,  Appendix  B) Cylinder  head  covers  removed  (para.  4-34). MaterialslParts Rags, Wiping (Item 7, Appendix D) Solvent,  Drycleaning  (Item  8,  Appendix  D) NOTE The  replacement  procedures  are  the  same  for  all  drain  tubes. lReplacement. (figure 5-18) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 5-40 Loosen  compression  fitting  (1). Loosen coupling nut (2) and remove drain tube (3). WARNING Drycleaning  solvent  PD-680  used  to  clean  parts  is  potentially  dangerous  to  personnel  and property. Avoid repeated and prolonged skin contact. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat. Flash point of solvent is 100°F-138°F (38°C-60°C). Clean  drain  tube  (3)  in  drycleaning  solvent  and  dry  thoroughly. Inspect threads on compression filling(1) and coupling nut (2) and replace if threads are stripped or otherwise   damaged. Remove  all  obstructions  in  drain  tube  (3),  and  replace  drain  tube  if  dented  or  otherwise  damaged. Install drain tube (3) and tighten coupling nut (2) and compression fitting (1).


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