TM 9-2815-220-24
0107 00
REMOVAL (Continued)
1. Remove bracket (3) and bracket (4) at turbocharger.
a. Remove four self-locking nuts (5), flat washers (6) and screws (7) securing bracket (3) to
bracket (4). Discard self-locking nuts.
b. Remove two screws (8) with flat washers (9) and lock washers (10) to remove bracket (3)
from engine shrouding. Discard lock washers.
c. Remove four self-locking nuts (11) and screws (12) and remove bracket (4) from
turbocharger. Discard self-locking nuts.
11,12 (four places)
8,9,10 (two places)
5,6,7 (four places)
WP 0107 00-3