TB 9-2815-508-24
plant and back. The Government shall reimburse DDC
antifreeze, filter elements, hoses, belts, and other
for all transportation expense in excess of such amount
maintenance items replaced during warranty repairs
upon request. DDC shall exchange such parts and ship
except where such items are not reusable due to the
them freight prepaid to the location from which the
warrantable failure.
defective parts were returned, provided DDC agrees that
c. Supporting repair facility will:
the warranty claim is valid.
(1) Identify defects/failures as warrantable (if
Government Responsibilities.
The Major
owning unit has not already identified them). Verify
Subordinate Command for the 8V71 T engines is the
defects/failures are warrantable.
U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armament Command
(2) Review, process, and submit valid
(TACOM), Warren, MI 48397-5000.
warranty claims to the local WARCO if the DA Form
responsible for managing and implementing the
2407, DA Form 2407-1, or DA Form 5504 or DA Form
warranty. Warranty will be reported to:
5504-1 is complete and correctly filled out.
U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armament
(3) Reject invalid warranty claims or request
additional information for incomplete and incorrect
Warren, MI 48397-5000
(4) Coordinate with the owning unit and
Telephone: (DSN) 786-7356
decide which option for repair is desired to correct the
Commercial (810) 574-7356
warrantable defect/failure.
(5) Depending on which repair option was
a. TACOM will:
chosen, provide labor as required to accomplish the
(1) Verify, review and process warranty claim
warrantable repairs.
(6) Tag and retain (IAW DA PAM 738-750
(2) Reject claims that are not valid and send
and this TB) all parts, pieces of parts and/or assemblies
them back to the local WARCO with a short explanation
removed as a result of the warrantable defect/failure
of why the claim is rejected.
and/or correction.
(3) Request
d. Local Warranty Control Office (WARCO) will:
incomplete claims.
(4) Provide warranty claim acknowledgment/
(1) Verify, administer, and process warranty
closeout letters and/or parts/assemblies disposition
claims to the TACOM WARCO (IAW DA PAM 738750).
instructions to the local WARCO, when appropriate.
(2) Act as a liaison between owning unit, the
(5) Insure the contractor performs in
manufacturer, supporting repair facility, and TACOM.
accordance to the terms of the contract.
(3) Notify the owning units of all warranty
claim acknowledgments/closeouts, information, and/or
b. Equipment owning unit will:
instructions received from TACOM or the contractor.
(1) Identify defects/failures and verify the
(4) Act as a liaison between local dealers and
defects/failures are warrantable.
the Army.
(2) Submit warranty claims, using DA Form
e. Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). The
2407. DA Form 2407-1, or DA Form 5504, DA Form
5504-1 (Maintenance Request (Claims) and Continuation
manufacturer's lubrication and service intervals must be
Sheets) through channels to the supporting repair facility.
followed. Only after the warranty has expired will AOAP
(3) Tag and retain (IAW DA PAM 738-750,
apply to this equipment, unless oil sample results
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS),
indicate the oil and filter of an assembly should be
and this TB) parts, pieces of parts and/or assemblies
changed "PRIOR" to the manufacturer's service interval.
removed at the owning unit level and as a result of a
Sampling intervals for AOAP are in DA PAM 738-750.
warrantable defect/failure and/or correction.
f. Alterations/Modifications.
(4) Notice of any alleged defect or non-
Alterations/modifications shall not be applied unless
conformance shall be given to the contractor within thirty
authorized by TACOM.
days of identifying the defective or non-conforming item.
(5) During
Government is responsible for the cost of lubricating oil,