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the bushing and plunger. The pilot valve plunger has a
When the engine is in operation at a steady
land that controls the oil flow through the ports in the
speed the land on the pilot control valve is in the center
bushing. When the pilot valve plunger is moved down,
of the control port of the bushing. A decrease in load will
high pressure oil goes to the bottom of the power piston
cause an increase in engine speed. With an in- crease
and the power piston will move up. When the pilot valve
in engine speed the flyweights move out and raise the
plunger is moved up, the oil on the bottom of the power
speeder rod and floating lever. This raises the pilot valve
piston is released to the sump and the power piston
plunger and releases oil from the bottom of the power
moves down. When the pilot valve plunger is in the
piston. As the power piston moves down, the output
center (balance) position, the oil port to the bottom of the
terminal shaft moves in the decrease fuel direction.
power piston is closed and the power piston will not
When the output terminal shaft moves, the actuating
move. The pilot valve plunger is moved by the ballhead
compensation piston moves up and causes a suction on
the oil under the receiving piston which moves down.
The floating lever is pulled down by the receiving piston
The ballhead assembly has a ballhead, flyweights,
and the lever moves the pilot control valve down to close
speeder spring, thrust bearing, speeder plug and
the control port. The output terminal shaft and power
speeder rod. The ballhead assembly is driven by a gear
piston movement is stopped. As the engine speed
and shaft from the driven gear of the oil pump. The
returns to normal, the flyweights move in and the
speeder rod is fastened to the thrust bearing which is in
speeder rod moves down. When the oil pressure in the
contact with the flyweights.
The speeder rod is
compensation system and the sump oil become the
connected to the pilot valve plunger by a lever. The
same through the needle valve, the receiving
speeder spring is held in position on the thrust
compensation piston moves up at the same rate as the
bearing by the speeder plug.
speeder rod moves down. This action keeps the pilot
valve plunger in position to close the port.
As the ballhead turns, the flyweights move out
due to centrifugal force. This will make the flyweight toes
An increase in load will cause a decrease in engine
move up and cause compression of the speeder spring.
speed. When engine speed decreases, the flyweights
When the force of the speeder spring and the force of
move in and lower the speeder rod and floating lever.
the flyweights are equal the engine speed is constant.
This lowers the pilot valve plunger and lets pressure oil
The speeder plug can be moved up or down manually to
go under the power piston. The power piston moves up
change the compression of the speeder spring which will
and turns the output terminal shaft in the increase fuel
change the speed of the engine.
direction. When the output terminal shaft moves, the
actuating compensation piston moves down and causes
The compensation system gives stability to
a pressure on the receiving piston which moves up. The
engine speed changes. The compensation system has a
floating lever is pushed up by the receiving piston and
needle valve and two pistons-an actuating piston and a
the lever moves the pilot valve plunger up to close the
receiving piston. The actuating piston is also con-nected
control port. The output terminal shaft and power piston
to the output terminal shaft by the compensa- tion
movement is stopped.
adjusting lever and linkage system. A fulcrum that is
adjustable is on the lever. When the position of the
A change to the speed setting of the governor will give
fulcrum is changed, the amount of movement possible of
the same governor movements as an increase or
the actuating piston is changed.
decrease in load.
The receiving piston is connected to the pilot
A lever on the speed adjustment shaft is used to change
valve plunger and the speeder rod by a lever.
the engine speed. The speed adjustment shaft moves
the speeder plug up and down to change the force of the
The needle valve makes a restriction to oil flow
speeder spring.
between the oil sump and the two pistons.
This governor is also equipped with speed droop,
When the actuating piston moves down, the
however, it must be adjusted inside the governor.
piston puts a force on the oil under the receiving piston
and moves it up. When the receiving piston moves up it
raises the pilot valve plunger to stop the flow of oil to the
bottom of the power piston.
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