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TM  5-3895-360-13 3-6.   LEAKAGE   DEFINITIONS. a. It is important to know how fluid leakage affects the CAUTION status of the tamper. Following are types/classes of leakages an operator must know to determine whether the tamper is mission-capable. Learn these When operating with Class I or II leaks, contin- Ieakage definitions. When in doubt, notify your ue to check fluid levels in addition to that re- supervisor. quired in PMCS. Parts without fluid will stop working or maybe damaged. Leakage  Definitions  for  Operator/Crew  PMCS: b. Equipment operation is allowed with minor (Class I or II) leakage. Fluid levels in an item/system affected Class 1 Seepage of fluid (as indicated by with such leakage must be checked more frequently wetness or discoloration) not great than required in PMCS. When in doubt, notify ycur enough  to  form  drops. supervisor. Class  II Leakage of fluid great enough to c. Report Class Ill leaks IMMEDIATELY to your supervi- form drops, but not great enough to ser. cause drops to drip from item being inspected. Class Ill Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the item being inspected. Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS). B-BEFORE D-DURING A-AFTER INTERVAL ITEM TO BE INSPECTED ITEM PROCEDURE: Check for and have repaired, filled, or EQUIPMENT  iS  NOT NO. B D A adjusted as needed. READY/AVAILABLE  iF: NOTE Perform Weekly (W) as well as Before (B) PMCS it a. You are the assigned operator but have not operated the tamper unit since the last Weekly. b. You are operating the tamper for the first time. TAMPER  EXTERIOR a.  Check  for  fluid  leakage  or  appearance  of  fluid Any Class Ill leaks are found. leakage. 3-3


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