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TM  5-3895-360-13 7-8.  CARBURETOR  REPAIR  (Con’t). e. Install choke lever (43) on carburetor (1). f. Install choke valve (39) on carburetor (1) and choke lever (43) with screw (40). g. Install spring (32) and throttle shaft (31) on carburetor (1) with clip (35), new Iockwasher (36), and screw (37). h.  Install  throttle  shutter  (34)  on  carburetor  (1)  and throttle shaft (31) with new screw  (33). NOTE Refer to Figure 7-12,  Carburetor  Adjustment Screw, Idle Adjuster Screw, Regulating Screw, Inlet Needle, and Inlet Control Lever Replace- ment, for steps I through n. i. Install washer (15), new spring (1 4), and new regulat- ing screw (13) in carburetor (1). j. Install  new  packing  (28),  new  washer  (27),  new spring (26), and idle adjuster screw (25) on carbure- tor (1). k.  Install  new  packing  (20),  new  washer  (21),  new spring (22), washer (23), and new speed adjustment screw (24) on carburetor (1). l. m. n. o. P. q. Install new gasket (16) and new needle valve (17) in carburetor (1). Install new spring (19) and new inlet control lever (18) in carburetor (1). Install pin (29) and screw (30) in carburetor (1). NOTE Refer to Figure 7-11, Carburetor  Diaphragm Replacement, for steps o and p. Install new gasket (6), new diaphragm (7), and dia- phragm cover (8) on carburetor (1). Install  new  gasket  (9),  new  diaphragm  (10),  and pump body (11) on carburetor (1) with six screws (12). NOTE Refer to Figure 7-10, Carburetor Strainer Re- placement, for step q. Install new strainer (2), new gasket (3), and strainer cover (4) on carburetor (1) with new screw (5) 7-15/(7-16  Blank)


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