ARMY TM 9-2805-256-14
AIR FORCE TO 38G2-102-2
Table 5-1. Direct Support Troubleshooting Procedures (cont).
Test or Inspection
Corrective Action
Step 2 .
Step 3 .
Step 4 .
Step 5.
Step 6.
3. E N G I N E O IL
Check valve adjustment.
Adjust valves as needed (para. 5-16).
Inspect and test coil (para. 5-20).
Replace defective coil (para. 5-20).
Check for cracked cylinder head and or leaky gasket.
Replace cracked or otherwise damaged cylinder head, para. 5-14.
Check intake and exhaust valve for damage or excessive wear.
Replace damaged valve (para. 5-17).
Check piston and piston rings for damage or excessive wear.
Replace damaged or worn piston or rings (para. 5-18).
C O N S U M P T I O N E X C E S S I V E.
Step 1. Check crankshaft side oil seal for seepage or leakage.
Replace faulty crankshaft side oil seal (para 5-23).
Step 2. Check flywheel side oil seal for seepage or leakage.
Replace faulty flywheel side oil seal (para 5-21).
Step 3. Check piston and piston rings for wear.
Replace worn or damaged piston and pinton rings (para. 5-18).
Step 1. Check valve mechanism for bent or otherwise damaged components.
Replace worn or damaged components (para 5-14).
Step 2. Check connecting rod for wear.
Replace worn connecting rod (para 5-18).
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