(2) Remove two nuts (2), cap (3), and lower bearing shell (4) from connecting rod (5).
Tag piston to insure it is installed
with same liner.
Push piston and rod assembly out
through top of cylinder block (6).
Reassemble bearing cap (3) and
lower bearing shell (4) to connecting
rod (5).
b. Disassembly
(1) Secure connecting rod (5) in a vise
equipped with soft jaws and remove
piston rings (7) with piston ring pliers
(8). Discard piston rings.
Do not damage piston or bushing
while removing piston pin retainers.
Punch a hole through center of one
piston pin retainer (9) with a narrow
chisel or punch and pry retainer from
piston assembly (1 O). Remove
opposite retainer in same manner.
Discard retainers.
Loosen two bolts (11 ) which secure
connecting rod (5) to piston pin (12).
Remove rod and piston assembly
from vise and place assembly on a
bench. Remove two bolts (11 ), two
spacers (13), and connecting rod (5).
Discard bolts and spacers.
Match mark used piston dome, piston
pin, and pin bushing and keep together
as a set for reassembly to maintain
proper fit and wear.
(4) Remove piston pin (12) from piston
assembly (10).