TM 9-2815-225-34&P
b. Inspection (Contd)
Perform step 6 for crankshaft dimensions and measurements for M915/Big Cam I only.
6. Crankshaft
a. Measure crankshaft journals
Check crankshaft thrust flange
for wear (refer to Table 1).
at No. 7 main bearing for scoring,
Journals worn out-of-round more
scratches, nicks, and breaks. If
than 0.002 in. (0.051 mm) will
surface is scored or scratched,
make it necessary to regrind
flange should be reground.
b. Measure crankshaft thrust
flange by checking dimensions
(Table 1, No. 8). If wear does not
exceed 0.003 in. (0.0762 mm) at
any one point, flange condition
is acceptable. If wear is 0.003 in.
(0.0762 mm) or more, regrind
flange to restore flatness.
c. If total wear and regrinding
does not exceed 0.005 in.
(0.127 mm), standard thrust
rings may be used.
d. If worn more than 0.007 in.
(0.1778 mm), flange should be
ground for 0.010 or 0.020 in.
(0.254 or 0.508 mm) oversize
thrust rings or built up by electric
arc welding and reground to
specifications (Table 1, No. 8).
Regrinding must clean up a
minimum of 90 percent of
thrust surface and result in
maintaining an installed
crankshaft end clearance below
0.015 in. (0.381 mm).
e. Crankshafts with oversize
thrust rings should be stamped on
rear crankshaft counterweight.
Both thrust ring size and ring
location should be included in
stamping. For example:
Front .............................................................................. 0.010 in. (0.254 mm)
Rear .............................................................................. 0.020 in. (0.508 mm)