ARMY TM 9-2815-260-24
AIR FORCE TO 38G1-126-2
MARINE CORPS TM 09244A/09245A-24
Recheck to make sure engine is solidly mounted before releasing support
from engine lifting device. Failure to comply could result in personal injury
and/or equipment damage.
Never permit any part of the body to be positioned under a load being lifted
or suspended. Failure to comply could result in personal injury.
The lifting jack is to be used when it is necessary to lift the engine for
rotation. When working on the engine, the jack should be at its lowest
position to keep the center of gravity low and the possibility of tipping low.
Unscrew the release valve slowly when lowering the engine on vehicle
engine stand to prevent sudden engine movement. Do not unscrew release
valve knob more than two turns from its closed position. Failure to comply
could result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.
Use extreme caution when lifting and NEVER permit any part of the body
to be positioned under an engine being lifted or suspended.
Lift engine with longitudinal loading on lift sling and lifting brackets only.
Angular loading greatly reduces lifting capacity of sling and brackets.
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