TM 9-2920-243-34
A - Fiber thrust washer
P - Shaft and lever assembly
B - Steel thrust washer
Q - Preformed packing
C - Preformed packing
R - Pinion housing
D - Brush
S - Oil wick
E - Solenoid relay assembly
T - Pinion housing bushing-type bearing
F - Preformed packing
U - Drive assembly
G - Switch shaft seal
V - Armature oil seal
H - Field coils
W - Field ring
J - Steel thrust washer
X - Armature
K - Fiber thrust washer
Y - Brush opening band
L - Shift housing bushing-type bearing
Z - Commutator end housing
M - Fiber washer
AA - Brush holder and spring assembly
N - Shift housing
BB - Commutator end housing bushing-type bearing
Figure 1-2. Engine electrical starter assembly - sectional view.
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