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![]() TM 9-8000
wheels also have been developed, thus aiding in the
31-1. Springs.
reduction of the vehicle's weight. Solid rubber tires are
laminated to the road wheels to absorb the shocks as the
a. Volute. The volute spring (fig. 31-1) consists of
vehicle moves. This also serves to quiet the interaction
a wide strip of steel, tapered both in width and in
between the road wheel and track. There is also a
thickness, wound to form a distorted spiral. Each coil
space between the road wheel that provides a channel in
overlaps the adjacent coil, with the widest and thickest
which the track center guides travel. The center guides
part having the greatest diameter. The spring usually is
aline the track and serve to keep it on the vehicle.
wound so that adjacent coils rub, thereby producing
frictional forces that tend to damp out oscillations. As the
31-3. Idler Wheels and Track Support Rollers. Idler
spring is compressed, its resistance increases because
wheels, mounted on an arm assembly, are installed at
the heavier coils are brought into play.
the front of the vehicle (fig. 31-4). These assemblies
characteristic protects the spring from overload. This
are linked to the front road wheel support arms by track
type of spring is desirable when heavy loads must be
adjusting link assemblies. As the front road wheel
supported, and space limitations prohibit the use of
support arm is moved upward by a bump or obstruction,
conventional springs.
the track adjusting link assembly swings the
b. Torsion Bars. The torsion bar spring used in
compensating idler arm towards the front to take up the
slack in the track. The track adjusting link assembly may
tracked vehicles (fig. 31-2) has the same characteristics
be lengthened or shortened to adjust the amount of track
as the automotive type discussed in paragraph 30-2c.
tension. The track support rollers hold up the returning
When the spring is employed in the tracked vehicle, it
track and prevent excessive sag. They may be rubber
must support a greater weight, and usually is made
coated to reduce noise and help minimize vibration. The
thicker and longer than the automotive type.
number of track support rollers that is used on a vehicle
depends upon the type and length of track to be
31-2. Road Wheels. The tracked vehicle rolls on the
bottom of its tracks by means of road wheels (fig. 31-3).
For the most part, road wheels are steel disk type and of
riveted or welded construction. Forged aluminum road
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