TM 9-2920-243-34
e. Remove two fiber thrust washers (A, fig. 3-
12), shift housing assembly (B), fiber washer (C),
and steel thrust washer (D) from armature shaft.
Figure 3-11. Removing or installing drive and lever assemblies.
Figure 3-9. Removing or installing lever shaft.
Figure 3-12. Removing or installing drive clutch thrust washers.
Figure 3-10. Removing or installing shaft housing assembly
attaching parts.
d. Slide drive assembly (A, fig. 3-11) out of
shift housing assembly and guide shaft and lever
assembly (B) down and out of housing at the
same time.
3-8. Shaft and Lever Assembly
(Fig. 3-13)
Press out roll pins (A and C) to separate shaft and
insert assembly (B) and coupling (D) from lever
arm assembly.
Shaft and lever assembly should not be
disassembled unless inspection (para 3-
14) indicates need for replacing one of