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![]() TM 9-8000
a. 24-volt, fully waterproofed, fungus-proofed
tractors, personnel carriers, tanks, self-propelled guns,
motorized and mechanized special purpose equipment,
electrical systems that are fully suppressed to prevent
trailers, vans, and special purpose towed vehicles.
Interference to electronic equipment.
b. Engines capable of operating while
The principal distinction between these vehicles and their
commercial counterparts is that military vehicles are
submerged in either fresh water or sea water.
specifically designed for military purposes. This includes
combat operations and the transportation of cargo,
c. Oversized
personnel, or equipment; towing other vehicles or
equipment; and operations, both cross country and over
roads, in close support of combat vehicles and troops.
d. Oversized generator capacity.
They are designed and constructed to endure the rigors
of the military environment and to continue to operate at,
e. Oversized engine oil and cooling capacities.
or above, a prescribed minimum performance level in
this environment. They have excellent cross-country
f. Engines that are less critical of the fuel they
performance capabilities over all types of terrain where
require and have a lower specific weight (pound per
tactical or combat operations can be conducted. This
Includes snow and ice, rocky terrain, swamps, and desert
sands. In order to negotiate water barriers with a
g. Reliability over an extremely wide temperature
minimum of preparation, all sensitive equipment is either
permanently water-proofed to prevent damage by
h. Provisions for operating during blackout
Immersion, or designed to function underwater.
Some of the features and
All-wheel drive on wheeled vehicles.
characteristics that are standard on military vehicles are:
Improved ease of servicing and maintenance.
maneuvering and positioning of materiel and supplies in
1-15. Administrative Vehicles. Administrative vehicles
support of the forces in contact. Because the main
comprise the standard commercially available vehicles
purpose of tactical vehicles is to give direct support to the
commonly used at camps, posts, stations, and various
combat vehicles, they are required to have the same high
US Government Installations for routine administrative
quality of mobility as do combat vehicles; and like combat
duties. These vehicles have a minimum of modifications
vehicles, they are designed to exacting military
to adapt them to military service. In some instances, no
characteristics to survive and perform satisfactorily In the
modification whatsoever Is made.
military environment. The majority of wheeled vehicles
fall into the tactical rather than the combat vehicle
1-16. Tactical Vehicles. Tactical vehicles generally are
defined as vehicles that have been designed and
1-17. Combat Vehicles. Combat vehicles are defined
manufactured specifically to meet the severe
as land or amphibious vehicles, with or without armor or
requirements Imposed by combat and tactical operations
armament, designed for specific functions In combat or
In the field. Whereas combat vehicles are defined as
battle. The later Installation of armor or armament onto
vehicles designed to perform specific functions In
other than combat vehicles does not alter their original
combat, tactical vehicles are designed specifically to
classification. They may be wheeled or tracked but In all
support the tactical play of the operation. Military tactics
cases they are designed to have a high degree of
Is that branch of the military that deals with the arranging,
mobility In off-road operations. Some typical
positioning, and maneuvering of the forces In or near
contact with the enemy; also, the
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