Compressed air used for
cleaning purposes will not
exceed 30 psi. Use only with
effective chip guarding and
personai protective equipment
(goggies/ shieid, gioves, etc).
Ciean aii parts with fuei oii and
dry with compressed air.
inspect parts for wear and damage. Reiief valve must move freely in valve body.
Repiace vaive and vaive body if parts are scored and cannot be cleaned with crocus
Repiace pitted or fractured springs.
Assembie vaive assembly by first appiying engine oii to outer face of vaive (24) and
siide it into reiief vaive body (21), ciosed end first.
instaii two inner spring seats (23), springs (18 and 19), and spring seat (22) into relief
vaive body (21).
Whiie compressing springs, instaii retaining pin (20) above spring seat (22).
c. installation
(1) Oii
pressure reguiator vaive
instaii gasket (6) and oii pressure reguiator valve (4) to cylinder block (5).
Secure reguiator vaive to block with two bolts (1), two Iockwashers (2), and two flat
washers (3). Torque bolts to 30-35 Ib-ft (41-47 N-m).
(2) Oii pressure reiief vaive
instaii gaskets (11 and 12) and oil
pressure reiief vaive (9) to
cyiinder biock (5).
Secure reiief valve to block and
oii pump (10) with four boits (7)
and four iockwashers (8). Torque
boits to 30-35 ib-ft (41-47 N-m).
Para Description
4-20 instaii oii pan
4 - 1 23