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Figure 21-4. Cross-Sectional View of Large Coil Spring Clutch.
identifying the many types of clutches In use: if oil is
214. Types of Clutches.
supplied, the clutch is known as the wet type; if oil is not
a. General. Automotive clutches may be classified
supplied, the clutch Is the dry type. Difference in the
according to the number of plates or disks used. The
action of the clutches is largely a difference In the time of
single-plate clutch contains one driven disk operating
operation, the time required to engage the clutch
between the flywheel and the pressure plate (fig. 21-10).
depending on the number of plates, and the condition of
The flywheel is not considered to be a plate, even though
the surfaces. A plate clutch will engage the load and start
it acts as one of the driving surfaces. A double-plate
it in motion sooner than will a multiple-disk clutch. A dry
clutch Is substantially the same except that another
clutch will be quicker to act than a wet clutch, in which
driven disk and an immediate driving plate (fig. 21-11)
the oil must be squeezed out from between the driven
are added. A clutch having more than three driven disks
and driving members before engagement Is
accomplished. Plate clutches generally are used on light
further classification based on whether or not oil is
and medium weight vehicles, and the multiple-disk clutch
supplied to the friction surfaces provides a positive
is used on heavier vehicles in which the sudden action of
method of
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